Session/Roundtable proposals with calls for abstracts: February 20, 2016.
Individual paper proposals: February 20, 2016.
Completed Sessions and Roundtables with all relevant information, as per guidelines (attached): March 1, 2016.
CALL For Papers
AATI International Conference Abroad
L’Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale
L’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
June 22-27, 2016
The AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian) announces its next International Conference to take place in Naples from June 22-27, 2016 hosted by the Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale and the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. The general program outline is as follows:
- v June 22: official day of arrival; pre-conference workshops (morning); guided tours in/around Naples (morning); pre-registration, plenary session(s) guided tours in/around Naples; welcome reception; concert;
- v June 23-25: conference
- v June 25: plenary sessions (afternoon)
- v June 25 (evening): Gala Dinner
- v June 26: tours around Naples and Campania
- v June 27: official day of departure
This conference promises to be another vibrant international meeting, given, first and foremost, its location. Naples is a unique city, one where historical, cultural, and political events have taken root, unraveled, and entwined in original ways across the centuries.
The conference is open to all themes, but the AATI also invites colleagues to think in particular in terms of those more pertinent to some of the current events in Italy. Along with general topics such as pedagogy, linguistics, culture, literature, cinema, theater, Italian as a second language, Italian language abroad, Italian identities in the world, history, media, economy, the arts, etc., we also suggest a focus on more “local” topics that have Naples and the Campania region at their core. Some examples might be:
- o Italian language abroad (the teaching, diffusion, and politics of);
- o Italian culture and identity around the world;
- o Linguistic globalization: The relationship between “strong” and “weak” languages;
- o The new “Southern Question”;
- o Italian immigration today vs. Italian emigration of yesteryear;
- o Migrants writers in Italy: a new canon of Italian literature?;
- o The Neapolitan Enlightenment: from philosophical thought to political economy;
- o Giambattista Vico and his influence in and outside of Italy;
- o Naples and Classical Greece;
- o From San Gennaro to nativity scenes: religious practices and their influence in Italy and abroad;
- o Neapolitan dialect literature and its diffusion in Italy and abroad;
- o The new southern novel: from mystery to denunciation;
- o Neapolitan theater;
- o Totò and the Neapolitan comic tradition;
- o Naples and contemporary Italian cinema;
- o Neapolitan Song and Dance: History and Influence.
Proposals: The deadline for proposal submissions (individual papers and whole sessions) is February 20, 2016. Papers can be in Italian or in English and will be limited to 20 minutes, maximum. Colleagues are cordially invited to submit proposals for entire sessions and roundtables of 75 minutes each. Participants are allowed to present one paper only, but they can chair more than one session and they can partake in one or more roundtable discussions.
Session/roundtable/single papers proposals MUST be submitted by February 20, 2016 using the following link:: | | upload password: napoli2016
COMPLETED Session/roundtable with all relevant information MUST be submitted by March 1, 2016 using the following link: | | upload password: napoli2016
All conference participants (panelists, session and roundtable organizers, and chairs) must be AATI members in good standing and must have paid the registration fees by March 15, 2016.
Papers must be presented in person; no presentations via Skype or similar technologies will be allowed.
Registration Fees: Registration fees for 2016 will be as follows: Regular members: $125.00; Retired/emeriti or members without a full-time position: $75.00; PhD students: $45.00.
Workshops:pre-opening workshops will be on June 22. For the list of workshops, see (menu “Workshops”).
Lodging and Transportation: Further information about hotels, transportation, etc. will be announced shortly through the AATI listserv and the AATI website:
Publication of Proceedings:Following the conference, all presenters will be eligible to submit their papers for blind peer review consideration for the AATI Online Working Papers publication (see menu "Online Working Papers").