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  • 13 Sep 2024 3:16 PM | Anonymous

    Canadian Association for Italian Studies (CAIS)
    Call for Papers: 2025 Conference
    Università di Bologna - UNIBO

    June 6-7 and 9-10, 2025

    The Canadian Association for Italian Studies invites session and paper proposals for the 2025 Canadian Association for Italian Studies Conference that will be held in hybrid format (both in person and on Zoom) at the Università di Bologna, Classical Philology and Italian Studies Department.

    This year, the first two days of the conference (Friday June 6th  and Saturday June 7th) sessions will be held online, while on Monday, June 9th and Tuesday June 10th sessions will be held fully in person.

    Please note that while we will endeavour to accommodate requests, we reserve the right to offer balanced conference days.

    If your session is to be delivered online, ALL speakers will need to be online and all audience members will also access the session online.

    If your session is to be delivered in person, ALL speakers will need to be in person.

    Moreover, no request to swap in-person sessions or presentations for online presentations or sessions will be accepted once the program is published.

    Opening and closing Remarks, Keynotes and the AGM will take place in hybrid format.

    This year, while there is no conference theme per se, papers are welcome on all aspects of Italian Studies. In addition, on our website (, you will find special sessions organized by the CAIS Executive.

    The deadline for session proposals is March 3, 2025. To propose a session, please fill out the session proposal form and submit it to the conference organizers at the official CAIS email address: Session proposals will be published on the CAIS website in the order in which they are received.

    Proposals for individual papers should be sent directly to the session organizers using the paper proposal form. If you would like to propose a paper that cannot be housed in any of the planned panels, please submit the paper proposal form directly to the conference organizers at this email address:

    Session organizers must consider all the paper proposals received up to the deadline of March 20, 2025. The announcement that a panel is closed can only be made after that date. Once the deadline has passed, all session organizers will submit the complete session proposal form for their session (or sessions). Please use one form for each completed session.

    Members can present only one paper at the annual conference. Papers must be presented synchronously (live), and not be recorded. Moreover, no papers will be read in absentia. In addition, members can participate in one round table. Session organizers are allowed to chair the session they organized. Members are allowed to chair and organize more than one session.

    Please be reminded that if you submit a paper proposal to more than one session, you should notify all the organizers to whom you have made a submission. If you fail to notify the session organizers, they will have the right to decide between themselves in which session the paper will be presented or if the paper will be excluded.

    All participants must be members in good standing of CAIS. Membership must be current by April 24, 2025 in order for the member’s name to appear in the program and for the member to be allowed to present his/her work at the 2025 CAIS conference.

    Conference Registration will open in March 2025. The deadline to register for the conference is April 14, 2025. In order to ensure proper planning and for purposes of catering and classroom/meeting reservations, no late registrations will be accepted.

    Papers in sessions with four speakers should be no more than 15 minutes long to allow for discussion among session participants. Papers in sessions with three speakers should be no longer than 20 minutes to allow for discussion among session participants.

    Proposal Forms

    Organizing Committee

    • Prof. Stefano Colangelo (Università di Bologna)
    • Prof. Cristina Perissinotto (University of Ottawa)
    • Prof. Concetta Maria Sigona (Universidad de Burgos)
    • Dr. Andrea Penso (Canadian Association for Italian Studies)

    Association canadienne pour les études italiennes (ACEI)
    Conférence 2025
    Université de Bologne (UNIBO)
    6-7, 9-10 Juin 2025

    L’Association canadienne pour les études italiennes (ACEI) sollicite des propositions de communications individuelles et de séances à tenir dans le cadre de sa Conférence 2025, qui aura lieu du 6 au 7, et du 9 au 10 Juin 2025 à l’Université de Bologne, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica

    Cette année il n'y a pas de thème de conférence en soi, les propositions sur tous les aspects des études italiennes sont les bienvenues. De plus, sur notre site Web (, vous trouverez des sessions spéciales organisées par l'exécutif ACEI.

    Cette année, les deux premières journées des séances de la conférence (6 et 7 juin) se tiendront en ligne tandis que les séances de la 3e et 4e journée (9 et 10 juin) se tiendront en présentiel.

    Nous n’accepterons pas de sessions hybrides:
    • Si votre séance doit être dispensée en ligne, TOUS les conférencier.e.s devront présenter en ligne ; tous les membres du public auront accès à la séance en ligne.
    • Si votre séance est organisée en présentiel, TOUS les conférencier.e.s devront présenter en personne.

    Veuillez noter que nous ne pourrons pas répondre aux demandes de modification du format, d’en ligne à en présentiel ou vice versa, si le programme a été déjà publié.

    Les remarques d'ouverture et de clôture, les séances plénières et l'AG seront LES SEULES qui se dérouleront en format hybride.


    La date limite pour la proposition d’une séance est le 3 mars 2025. Utilisez à cette fin le formulaire de proposition de séance et envoyez-le à l’adresse courriel de l’ACEI ( 

    Les propositions de séance seront affichées sur le site web de l’ACEI dans l’ordre dans lesquelles elles seront reçues. 

    Communications individuelles

    La date limite pour la proposition d’une communication individuelle est le 20 mars 2025. Utilisez le formulaire de proposition de communication individuelle et envoyez-le directement aux organisateurs.trices de la séance. Les propositions de communications individuelles qui ne s’insèrent dans aucune des séances déjà proposées peuvent être soumises directement à l’attention des organisateurs.trices du colloque (

    Les communications des séances en ligne doivent être présentées pendant les sessions virtuelles (live) et ne peuvent pas être préenregistrées.  Les communications ne seront pas lues in absentia.  


    On demande aux organisateurs.trices des séances d’évaluer toutes les prépositions de communication reçues jusqu’au 20 mars 2025. L’annonce que la session est fermée peut être faite seulement après le 20 mars 2025. Après l'échéance, tous tes les organisateurs trices des séances doivent nous faire parvenir les formulaires de propositions de communications

    Selon la constitution de l’ACEI, chaque membre peut présenter seulement une communication pendant le Colloque annuel. Un membre qui organise une séance peut, cependant, présider la même séance. Un membre peut aussi présider plus d’une séance. De plus, les membres peuvent participer à une table ronde.

    Une personne qui propose plus d’une communication dans plus d’une séance doit avertir tous les organisateurs.trices de toutes les séances. Les organisateurs.trices de séances qui n’auront pas été dûment averti.e.s auront la liberté de décider entre eux.elles si inclure ou exclure la proposition dans leurs séances.

    Tous les participant.e.s doivent être membres payant.e.s de l’ACEI et s’assurer d’avoir payé leurs droits à l’association au plus tard le 24 avril 2025 pour que leur nom soit inclus au programme et qu’ils puissent présenter leur travail dans le cadre du Colloque 2025.  

    Les inscriptions au Colloque ouvriront en mars 2025

    La date limite pour s’inscrire au colloque est le 14 avril 2025. Afin d'assurer une bonne planification des réservations de salles, des événements et des services de traiteur, aucune inscription tardive ne sera acceptée.

    Les communications dans les séances avec quatre orateurs ne devraient pas durer plus de 15 minutes pour permettre une période des questions entre les participant.e.s à la fin de la séance. Les communications dans les séances avec trois orateurs ne devraient pas durer plus de 20 minutes pour permettre une période des questions entre les participant.e.s à la fin de la séance.

    Plus de détails suivront.

    Comité Executif
    • Prof. Stefano Colangelo (Università di Bologna)
    • Prof. Cristina Perissinotto (University of Ottawa)
    • Prof. Concetta Maria Sigona (Universidad de Burgos)
    • Dr. Andrea Penso (Canadian Association for Italian Studies)

    Associazione Canadese di Studi d’italianistica (ACSI)
    Convegno 2025
    Università di Bologna - UNIBO
    6-7 e 9-10 giugno, 2025

    L’Associazione canadese di studi d’italianistica invita a presentare proposte per il convegno 2025 che si terrà all’Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, in formato ibrido e con sessioni in presenza e via Zoom, dal 6 al 7 e dal 9 al 10 giugno 2025.

    Le sessioni dei primi due giorni del convegno (6 e 7 giugno) saranno esclusivamente online, mentre le sessioni del terzo e quarto giorno (9 e 10 giugno) si terranno esclusivamente di persona.

    Si prega di tenere presente che per quanto il comitato organizzativo cerchi di soddisfare le richieste dei partecipanti, si riserverà comunque anche di offrire un programma equilibrato rispetto al numero delle sessioni per tutte le giornate del convegno.

    Le sessioni online richiederanno che TUTTI i relatori e i partecipanti vi accedano online. Per le sessioni in presenza TUTTI i relatori dovranno partecipare di persona. Nelle sessioni in presenza non sarà permesso ai relatori di presentare via zoom o via altra piattaforma online. Tutte le aule saranno dotate di mezzi tecnologici adatti alla bisogna.

    NOTA BENE: Una volta pubblicato il programma, non sarà possibile soffisfare richieste di modificare il formato (online o in presenza) delle presentazioni o delle sessioni.

    Gli interventi in apertura e chiusura al convegno, le conferenze plenarie e l’AGM avverranno in formato ibrido.

    Quest’anno il convegno non avrà un tema definito bensì sarà aperto a tutti i possibili aspetti degli studi di italianistica.

    L’Esecutivo CAIS organizzerà alcune sessioni speciali che verranno inserite nel sito web dell’Associazione (

    Le proposte di sessione devono essere inviate all’indirizzo email della CAIS:, entro il 3 marzo 2025. Le proposte saranno pubblicate sul sito dell’associazione nell’ordine in cui verranno ricevute.

    Le proposte per presentazioni individuali vanno invece inviate direttamente agli organizzatori delle sessioni entro il 20 marzo 2025, previa compilazione del modulo (proposte di intervento). Per proposte di intervento non collocabili in alcuna delle sessioni elencate sul sito, si prega di inviare la proposta di intervento direttamente agli organizzatori del convegno:

    Gli organizzatori delle sessioni sono tenuti a prendere in considerazione tutte le proposte ricevute entro la scadenza del 20 marzo 2025 Una volta complete, le sessioni verranno annunciate pochi giorni dopo la scadenza. Gli organizzatori delle sessioni potranno quindi completare il modulo per la proposta di sessione completa, e inviarlo entro la scadenza a

    I delegati potranno effettuare solo UNA presentazione, presiederne più di una ed inoltre partecipare ad una tavola rotonda. I membri del comitato organizzatore potranno presiedere e organizzare più di una sessione.

    Tutte le presentazioni dovranno essere sincrone e non registrate, e non potranno essere lette in absentia.

    Ogni presentazione in sessioni che prevendono quattro interventi avrà una durata massima di 15 minuti; in sessioni con tre interventi le presentazioni potranno durare fino a 20 minuti. In entrambi i casi vi sarà del tempo sufficiente per la discussione.

    I delegati che intendono inviare più di una proposta sono tenuti a darne notifica agli organizzatori delle sessioni a cui hanno inviato le loro proposte. In caso di mancata notifica, i membri del comitato organizzativo si riservano il diritto di decidere in quale sessione inserire l’intervento o se escluderlo dal convegno.

    Tutti i partecipanti al convegno, sia che presentino o partecipino al convegno dovranno essere iscritti all’Associazione canadese di studi di italianistica entro il 24 aprile 2025.

    I nomi dei delegati compariranno nel programma una volta confermata l’iscrizione all’Associazione.

    Le iscrizioni al convegno verranno aperte nel mese di marzo 2025. Onde garantire una corretta pianificazione del convegno, compresi eventi e prenotazioni delle aule, la data di scadenza per iscriversi è stata stabilita per il 14 aprile 2025.

    Ulteriori dettagli a seguire.

    Comitato Organizzatore
    • Prof. Stefano Colangelo (Università di Bologna)
    • Prof. Cristina Perissinotto (University of Ottawa)
    • Prof. Concetta Maria Sigona (Universidad de Burgos)
    • Dr. Andrea Penso (Canadian Association for Italian Studies)
  • 11 Apr 2024 12:37 PM | Anonymous

    Dear colleagues,

    We are delighted to announce that registration for our CAIS 2024 Conference in Orvieto is now open. You may visit this link and click on Registration at the top of the menu.

    When registering and paying please ensure that you do so through using a PayPal account as this automatically generates a receipt for payment.

    Please note that the deadline to register for the conference is May 14, 2024.

    Note also that May 1, 2024 is the deadline to ensure valid CAIS membership to participate in the conference. Ensure that your membership is up to date by renewing or becoming a member here.

    We are working on a wonderful conference programme and are really excited to welcome you to Orvieto, and virtually, in June.

    Please continue to visit our website for travel logistics, accommodations, restaurants, details about our gala dinner and other activities!


    Thank you for your continued support!

    CAIS Executive

  • 09 Apr 2024 12:07 PM | Anonymous

    The deadline for conference session proposals has been extended as follows:

    • Session proposals must be submitted by April 30, 2024.
    • Session organizers must consider paper proposals by May 7, 2024.
  • 15 May 2023 1:23 PM | Anonymous

    Cari soci,

    Stiamo cercando di raccogliere informazioni sui programmi di italiano in Canada.

    Rispondi a questo survey in Qualtrics (comprende 16 brevi domande). Speriamo di condividere I risultati entro il prossimo autunno.

  • 01 Apr 2023 3:45 AM | Anonymous

    Gentili Soci della Canadian Association for Italian Studies,

    con la presente siamo lieti di informarvi dell’esito delle nostre ultime elezioni.

    I seguenti membri del Direttivo sono stati eletti per acclamazione:

    Cristina Perissinotto - Presidente
    Luisa Canuto -Vice Presidente
    Sandra Parmegiani - Chief Editor di Quaderni d’Italianistica

    Quali membri dell’Editorial Board di Quaderni d’Italianistica sono stati eletti, sempre per acclamazione:

    Chiara Caputi
    Elena Benelli
    Alberto Zambenedetti
    Cristina Caracchini
    Francesco Ciabattoni

    Non essendoci state candidature per la posizione di Graduate Student Representative la posizione resta vacante.

    L’Esecutivo della Canadian Association for Italian Studies risulta quindi così composto:

    Cristina Perissinotto (University of Ottawa)

    Vice Presidente
    Luisa Canuto (University of British Columbia)

    Chief Editor di Quaderni d’Italianistica
    Sandra Parmegiani (University of Guelph)

    Secretary (Interim)
    Elena Caselli (Brock University)

    Roberta Cauchi-Santoro (University of Waterloo)

    Communication officer
    Andrea Penso (Vrije Universiteit, Brussels)

    L’Editorial Board di Quaderni d’Italianistica è così composto:

    Chiara Caputi (City University of New York)
    Elena Benelli (Concordia University)
    Alberto Zambenedetti (University of Toronto)
    Cristina Caracchini (Western University)
    Francesco Ciabattoni (Georgetown University)

    Ringraziamo gli eletti per la loro disponibilità a prestare i loro servizi per la nostra Associazione e facciamo loro i migliori auguri e per il nuovo mandato.

    Distinti saluti,

    Elena Caselli
    Segreteria CAIS

  • 14 Mar 2023 5:11 PM | Anonymous

    Dear colleagues,

    We are delighted to announce that registration for our CAIS 2023 Conference in Montreal is now open. You may visit this link and click on Registration at the top of the menu.

    When registering and paying please ensure that you do so through using a PayPal account as this automatically generates a receipt for payment.

    Please note that the deadline to register for the conference is April 14, 2023.

    Note also that April 24, 2023 is the deadline to ensure valid CAIS membership to participate in the conference. Ensure that your membership is up to date by renewing or becoming a member here.

    We are working on a wonderful conference programme and are really excited to welcome you to Montreal, and virtually, May 4-7, 2023.

    Please continue to visit our website for travel logistics, accommodations, restaurants, details about our gala dinner and other activities!

    Thank you for your continued support!

    CAIS Executive

  • 19 Feb 2023 5:30 AM | Anonymous

    The deadline for conference session proposals has been extended to March 3, 2023. Session organizers must consider all the paper proposals received up to the new deadline of March 20, 2023.

  • 09 Oct 2022 1:14 PM | Anonymous

    Dear CAIS colleagues,

    I hope that you are well. I write today to let you know that, after much reflection, I will need to step down as President of CAIS.

    It was a very difficult decision as I have enjoyed this role and working with all of you tremendously.

    On October 1, 2022, I began my term as Interim Provost & Vice-President, Academic at Toronto Metropolitan University and, as such, feel that I can no longer dedicate the time and effort necessary to do a great job as President of the Association.

    I have felt extremely honoured and privileged to represent CAIS over the last two years, during and coming out of the pandemic. As an Association, we have organized two wonderful conferences on important themes, such as Black Italy in 2020, and we have collegially undertaken the review of our Constitution to make it more modern and more flexible, a living document that reflects the needs of our membership and our discipline.

    I have had a few days to reflect on the importance of our discipline and of the Humanities in general and, while I am worried (like many of you) about enrollments and retention, I am also hopeful that Italian Studies will continue to thrive but only with our hard work in advocacy and ensuring that the work we do at our respective universities continues to be innovative and speaks to the students we have in front of us today.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support and my request is that you keep promoting CAIS to your networks for us to recruit more scholars as members of our Association.

    I would also like to thank our CAIS Executive especially for their efforts in these last few days. They have sprung into action, and I am happy to announce that our past president Cristina Perissinotto has agreed to step into the role of interim President for this academic year. In addition, Luisa Canuto (UBC) has generously agreed to be interim Vice-President of CAIS. Together with the other members of the Executive, they will share, over the next few weeks, the Call for Papers for the 2023 Conference.

    Carissimi saluti a voi tutti e sinceri ringraziamenti!

    Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano, PhD

    Full Professor, Italian Studies

    Interim Provost & Vice-President, Academic (TMU)

  • 01 Jul 2022 2:33 PM | Anonymous

    Dear colleagues,

    I hope that you are all doing well and enjoying the summer!

    I am delighted to report that our conference, held June 2-5 at the Sant’Anna Institute, went very well. While the hybrid format did present some challenges, they were resolved quickly and efficiently in the spirit of understanding, collaboration and collegiality. Our keynotes, Professor Ruth Ben-Ghiat (NYU), Professor Silvana Patriarca (Fordham) and Professor Luca Cottini (Villanova) were outstanding and insightful, speaking to us on timely and relevant topics that led to interesting discussion and conversation. I am extremely grateful for the participation of these scholars at CAIS 2022!

    At our Annual General Meeting (June 4), all constitutional changes were approved. An amended constitution will be posted on our website over the next week or so. We continue to ask for your support in filling positions on the Executive. Please reach out to me directly at if you would like more information about an interim role at this time.

    Many of you have asked us about our 2023 Conference; it is most likely that the conference will be held in Canada. The Executive will meet over the next weeks to determine a specific location and format. Stay tuned for more details!

    I would like to thank all colleagues who participated in CAIS 2022 in Sorrento. It is precisely this type of knowledge exchange and mobilization that makes us a strong association and one that I care about deeply. Aside from enjoying all the sessions I attended, it was extremely heart-warming to see colleagues after a few years of not being able to and in a magnificent location!

    I would also like to say infinite grazie to the team at the Sant’Anna Institute without whose knowledge, expertise, organizational savvy, we would not have been able to pull off such a fabulous few days!

    Last but not least, I could not do this work as President, a true labour of love, without the exceptional support of the organizing committee and our CAIS executive members. Thank you!

    Wishing you all a lovely summer. I hope that it re-energizes all of you and that you can spend time with friends and family!


    Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano, PhD

    CAIS President

  • 24 May 2022 1:11 PM | Anonymous

    Hello everyone!

    Almost a week to go until our CAIS 2022 conference in Sorrento!

    Attached is the FINAL conference program.

    You will notice some changes/shifts as we accommodated colleagues' various last minute requests.

    We are no longer accepting modifications.

    At this time, those who have not registered for the conference and/or those who are not members of the Association, have been removed from the conference program.

    There are three kinds of regular sessions at the conference:

    1. FULLY ONLINE via Zoom. There is no classroom assigned to these and participants and others who would like to attend should do so with their own device. Zoom links will be provided.

    2. HYBRID: There is a classroom assigned to these for participants and others wishing to attend. Zoom links will be provided.

    3. IN-PERSON: Fully in person session with no virtual participation.

    Opening and Closing remarks, AGM and Keynote sessions, will be HYBRID.

    Please note that all relevant Zoom links will be sent under separate cover as we move closer to the conference.

    The Zoom links are only for registered conference participants (i.e. colleagues who appear on the program).

    We are asking everyone to respect this and not share the links with those who are not registered for CAIS 2022.

    Please note that CAIS has added an optional excursion in lieu of our 1st keynote on DAY 1 (June 2).


    4:30 pm

    Visita guidata alle “Sette opera di misericordia” di Caravaggio

    Con Alessandro Giardino (Saint Lawrence University)


    For more information and to reserve your seat please email Alessandro

    We are really looking forward to seeing you very soon in Sorrento for #CAIS2022 (note our hashtag in all social media) in whichever mode you will be joining us!!

    Un grande abbraccio a voi tutti!


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