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of the


Association Canadienne pour les Études Italiennes | Associazione Canadese per gli Studi d’Italianistica


Adopted June 1, 1972 McGill University. Revised by an ad hoc Committee in February 1987 and in May 2002. Further revised at the Annual General Meeting at Carleton University on May 24, 2009. Further revised at the Annual General Meeting at Wilfrid Laurier University on May 28, 2012. And Further revised at the Annual General Meeting at the University of Ottawa on May 1, 2018. Further revised at the Annual General Meeting at Orvieto on June 16, 2019. Further revised at the Annual General Meeting in Sorrento on June 4, 2022.



      Article I - Name

      Article II - Aims

      Article III - Membership

      Article IV- Membership Dues

      Article V - Executive (Including Duties)

      Article VI - Nominations and Elections

      Article VII - Meetings

      Article VIII - Amendments



Article I - Name


I.1. The name of the Association shall be: Associazione Canadese per gli Studi d’Italianistica / Canadian Association for Italian Studies / Association Canadienne pour les Études Italiennes.


I.2. It shall have the abbreviated name A.C.S.I. / C.A.I.S. / A.C.E.I., and it shall maintain a website.


I.3. This Association shall carry out its business without purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other gains shall be used in promoting its objectives. This Association has a “Charitable Organization” status as authorized by the Federal Government in May 1992, with registered charitable number: 89222 1847 RR 0001.




Article II - Aims


II.1. To foster and advance ItalianStudies in Canada and in the larger global community.


II.2. To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas through the presentation and discussion of papers dealing with diverse aspects of Italian language, literature, linguistics, pedagogy, society, diaspora and culture, and through the biannual publication of the official Journal of the Association, Quaderni d’italianistica.


II.3. To provide a forum for the discussion of professional and administrative matters related to the teaching of Italian Studies in Canada, e.g., programs of study and standards of academic achievement.


II.4. To collaborate with the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS)/ Fédération canadienne des sciences humaines (FCSH) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and other organizations having aims and goals similar to those of the Association.


Article III - Membership


III.1. Membership shall be open to all those who have scholarly or professional interest in the diverse aspects of Italian language, literature, linguistics, pedagogy, society, diaspora and culture.


III.2. Patron membership shall be open to all those who have interest in the diverse aspects of Italian language, literature, linguistics, pedagogy, society, diaspora and culture, but do not intend to be involved in the Association’s academic activities (e.g.: conventions) or its executive process.


III.3. Libraries and other organizations (institutions of higher learning, foundations or governmental agencies interested in Italian Studies) may become institutional members with the right to receive the Association’s publications but without the right to vote or to participate in deliberations.


Article IV - Membership Dues

IV.1. Dues shall be such as the members of the Association decide from time to time by a majority vote of those present at the Annual General Meeting.




IV.2. The dues shall be:


Corporate Sponsor/Lifetime Member


 Regular Member






 Sustaining Member

 $80.00 or more


 $120.00 or more

 Student, retired, PhD member without full-time employment



IV. 3 Members shall be notified via email by the Treasurer of the membership dues at any time payable by them.


IV.4. CAIS shall charge a registration fee for any and all conferences organized.



Article V – Executive (Including Duties)


V.1. The elected officers shall be: a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and graduate student representation.


V.1. a) The President, and the Vice-President, shall be elected for a period of three years and shall be eligible for immediate re-election to the same office but only for one further three-year period.


V.1. b) All other officers, those elected and those appointed - with the exception of the Graduate Student Representative - shall serve for a three-year term and shall be eligible for immediate re-election / re-appointment not more than once. The Graduate Student Representative shall serve for one year and shall be eligible for immediate re-election / re-appointment not more than once.


V.1. c) The positions of Secretary and Treasurer shall not be filled at the same time as that of the other members of the Executive and the officer, elected for the three-year term, shall be eligible for re-election no more than once.


V.1. d) A temporary appointment of an elected officer of the Executive may be made only in the case of an emergency, when an office becomes vacant for less than one year. If the office becomes vacant for more than one year, the Association shall proceed to an immediate election to fill that vacancy.


V.2. The Executive shall consist of the following voting members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, a Graduate Student Representative, immediate Past President, the Editor(s) of the official Journal of the Association ex officio, the Chair of the Committee for the Promotion of Italian Studies, and a Communications Officer nominated by the majority by the voting members of the Executive.


V.2. a) The President of the Association shall be member ex officio of all its Editorial Boards and Committees.


IV.2. b) The President of the Association or their designate from the Executive, shall be the official representative of the Association to other Bodies.


IV.3. Only members in good standing shall be eligible for election or appointment to offices in the Association. See Article V Below, Nominations and Elections.


IV.3. a) The Executive shall call regular and Special Meetings of the Association. (See Article VI below.)


IV.3. b) The Executive shall be empowered to receive funds in the form of dues, fees or donations in order to finance the needs and purposes of the Association, in accordance with its Aims (See Article II), and shall present in writing an annual financial statement at the Annual General Meeting of the Association. The financial records of the Association shall be audited every year by a professional accountant selected by the Executive.


IV.3. c) The Executive shall be empowered to direct the affairs of the Association between its general meetings. This will include preparing a suitable program for the Annual General Meeting and Annual Spring Conference, organizing a Fall Conference when possible, appointing an officer for the upkeep of the Association’s website, appointing a Communications Officer in charge of the Association Mailing List (CAIS News) and of any social media platforms to which the Association subscribes, and other such and ad hoc tasks as may be necessary. These will be reported and recorded in the minutes at the Annual General Meeting.


IV.3. d) Following consultation with all members of the Editorial Board, the Executive shall appoint an Honorary Member to the Association whose membership shall be free, and whose term of office is not renewable, and shall coincide with that of the Association President. They shall be a person whose ideals and goals are consistent with those of the Association and who has made widely recognized contributions to the advancement of Italian Studies in Canada and/or internationally.


IV.3. e) All business of the Association shall be conducted according to the Reference Guide to Procedure for Meetings and Organizations (Margaret Kerr and Hubert W. King, Toronto: Carswell, 1986) which is currently used by the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS), and The New Robert’s Rules of Order. 2nd rev. ed. (Mary Ann De Vries, NY: Signet, 1998). Where conflict arises between the two texts, the more recent edition shall be followed.


IV.4. Duties of Executive Officers


IV.4. a) The President is the chief administrative officer of the Association, with direct responsibility for the conduct of its affairs in close consultation with the Executive, as the Constitution requires. They shall preside over meetings, and in consultation with the Executive they shall oversee the arrangements for the annual Spring and  Fall Conferences, the AGM, and collaboration/ sponsorship in academic activities with other associations. In consultation with the Executive they shall authorize the raising of funds for the Association. They shall report at the AGM on the actions and decisions of the Executive, as well as their own.


IV.4. b) The Vice-President shall act as chief administrative officer in the absence of the President. They shall aid the President to oversee the Association’s activities in relation to the Committee for the Promotion of Italian Studies, and the Association’s relations with various language and cultural associations. They shall preside at meetings in the President’s absence, or if appointed to the chair.


IV.4. c) The Treasurer shall disburse and receive all monies and issue receipts on behalf of the Association, keep an accurate record thereof, prepare all necessary tax forms, and present a written financial statement of the year's activities at the AGM. The Secretary shall maintain an up-to-date membership list and directory of the Association; organize the agenda for Executive meetings and the AGM, prepare minutes of the AGM for distribution to the membership; and organize the nomination and election process, with the help of two other members of the Executive (President and Vice-President) for the tabulating of the nomination and election results.


IV.4. d) The Past President shall share their experience and expertise, lending counsel and assistance as may be needed, in the administration of the affairs of the Association.


IV.4. e) The Editor shall have direct charge of the Association publications, which, as the official voices of the Association, shall respect set time lines, and give adequate coverage to items of professional interest.


IV.4. f) The Communications Officer shall be in charge of the Association Mailing List (CAIS News) and any  social media platforms to which the Association subscribes. They will curate the image of the Association on the list and on Social Media, and reach out to other mailing lists and social media groups to promote the activities and initiatives of the Association. From time to time, they  may select new social media platforms for the Association, and will consult closely with the President, or a member of the Executive designated by the President, on communication strategies.


IV.4.g) TENURE OF THE EXECUTIVE OFFICERS - Tenure of all the elected and nominated Executive positions is from July 1st of the first year to September 1st of the third year. For example, tenure for an elected Executive officer may start on July 1st of 2020 and end on September 1st of 2023. The overlap of outgoing and incoming Executive officers will be used to transition between officers. The only exception is the Communications Officer, whose nomination will be renewed year by year in the month of September.


IV.4.g.1) During transition months, if the Executive needs to call a vote, all elected, ex officio and regular Members, have voting rights.


IV.4. h) All Members of the Executive have the duty to be present at the Annual conference, barring unforeseen circumstances, at least twice in any three-year period, under penalty of forfeiture of their office, enforced immediately after the second missed conference in three years.


IV.4.h.1) In case of forfeiture of the office of one of the members, the Executive will nominate an interim officer and approve her by majority vote. The Interim officer will fulfill the duties of their office until the next elections.


Article V - Nominations and Elections


a) All members in good standing in the calendar year prior to the elections and by the time the nominating process begins, shall be eligible to vote. One member, one vote. No proxies are permitted.


b) Only members in good standing in the calendar year prior to the elections and by the time the nominating process begins, shall be eligible to be nominated for an elected position in the Association.


V.1. Executive Officers


V.1. a) Before the elections take place, the Secretary shall ask the membership for suggestions of possible candidates who have accepted to be nominated. The Secretary will then consult with the suggested candidates, in writing, in order to ensure their acceptance. In the event of a tie in the nomination process the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary will vote to break the tie among the nominees. In the event that no candidate accepts a nomination, the Secretary will immediately notify the Executive and proceed to new consultation with the membership. This procedure shall continue until a slate of candidates is prepared.


V.1. b) For each position in the Executive, the Secretary shall indicate on the ballot up to three (but not more than three) names of those receiving the highest number of nominations. A candidate for an Executive office, before accepting in writing, can be informed, upon request to the Secretary, of the names of the other candidates standing for Executive election. For each of the four positions in the Advisory Board, the Secretary shall indicate on the ballot up to three (but not more than three) names of those receiving the highest number of nominations. For each name on the ballot a brief synopsis of their academic CV (75-100 words max.), and for the candidates for president also a statement (not to exceed 100 words), shall be enclosed as provided by each respective candidate.


In the event of a tie in the election, the Secretary will add the number of nominations received by a candidate to the number of votes received so as to break the tie. In the event of a second tie, the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary will vote on the position among the tied candidates.


V.1. c) As soon as the election procedures are completed, the Secretary shall communicate the results to the President in writing. The President shall then inform in writing all the candidates about the election results.


V.1. d) The Secretary shall ensure that a report on elections is presented at the Association’s Annual General Meeting.


V.1.2. The Executive shall be empowered to fill any vacancy which may occur. The nomination shall be subject to confirmation at the next Annual General Meeting.


V.2.a) The Editorial Board of the journal Quaderni d’italianistica shall consist of an Editor and six (6) elected members.


V.2.b) The Editor shall be elected separately, according to the regular nomination and election procedures. Normally there shall be two candidates for the position of Editor.


V.2. c) Only members holding a full-time appointment at a Canadian university are eligible to be elected to the position of journal editor.


V.2. d) For the election of the Editorial Board of Quaderni d’italianistica, the Secretary shall prepare a slate of members’ names after consultation with the membership of the Association and shall consult the nominees before the elections to ensure that they are willing to stand and that they will have the time needed for their duties. In order to ensure regional representation, the Secretary in consultation with the President may include additional name(s) on the slate over and above those suggested by members and the list, including the names of those receiving the highest number of nominations, must consist of not fewer than 10 and not more than 15 names. The list will then be sent to members for voting accompanied by a brief synopsis of their academic CV (75-100 words max.), as provided by each respective candidate. In the event of a tie in the nomination process the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary, will vote to break the tie among the nominees. In the event of a tie in the election, the Secretary will add the number of nominations received by a candidate to the number of votes received so as to break the tie. In the event of a second tie, the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary will vote on the position among the tied candidates.


V.2. e) The six (6) candidates for membership in the Editorial Board receiving the most votes shall be considered elected. They shall choose from among their number the Associate Editor(s), and the Book Review Editor.


V.2. f) The Editorial Board of Quaderni d’italianistica shall appoint a Managing Editor, who may be from outside the Board. The term of office of the Managing Editor shall be determined by the Editorial Board.


V.2. g) The term of office of the Editor and Editorial Board of Quaderni d’italianistica shall be four years. The Editor of Quaderni shall be eligible for not more than a second term of office.


V.3. Committee for the Promotion of Italian Studies


V.3.1. The existence and function of this Committee are in accordance with the Association’s “Aims” as stated in Article II.


V.3.2.  The Committee’s primary duties and responsibilities are:


V.3.2. a) To explore and devise strategies to defend and/or strengthen the role of Italian Studies within Canadian universities and colleges.


V.3.2. b) To establish contact with interested Bodies in the Italian Canadian community and elsewhere, which would help implement strategies suggested by the Committee and/or by Association members in favour of Italian.


V.3.2. c) To help organize pertinent section(s) of the Association’s yearly Conference(s).


V.3.2. d) To inform the Association Executive in writing of its annual activities.


V.3.3. a) For the election of the Committee for the Promotion of Italian Studies, the Secretary shall receive nominations of up to 10 members after consultation with the membership of the Association and shall consult the nominees before the elections to ensure: a) that they are aware of the duties and responsibilities of the Committee; b) that they are willing to stand for election. In order to ensure regional representation, the Secretary in consultation with the President, may include on the slate additional names over and above those suggested by members. These names (if any) plus the names of those receiving the highest number of nominations shall constitute the 8 names that will appear on the election ballot, and each candidate’s name shall be accompanied by a brief synopsis of their academic CV (75-100 words max.), as provided by each respective candidate. In the event of a tie in the nomination process the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary, will vote to break the tie among the nominees. In the event of a tie in the election, the Secretary will add the number of nominations received by a candidate to the number of votes received so as to break the tie. In the event of a second tie, the President, the Vice-President and the Secretary will vote on the position among the tied candidates.


V.3.3. b) The 3 candidates receiving the most votes shall be considered elected to the Committee for the Promotion of Italian Studies. They shall choose the Chair, who will then be a member of the Executive, from among themselves.


V.3.3. c) The terms of office of the members of the Committee shall be four (4) years, not renewable, except for the Chair, who shall be eligible for not more than a second term of office.

Article VI - Meetings


VI.1. The President shall call a meeting of the Executive prior to the Annual General Meeting and other such meetings of the Executive as may be deemed necessary.


VI.2. The Executive shall call an Annual General Meeting. The agenda for the meeting shall be distributed to the membership not fewer than 30 days before the meeting. The President shall chair the meeting. If the President wishes to appoint a chair, that shall be the first Vice-President, or see Robert’s Rules of Order: Article X, Section 58.


VI.3. A special meeting of the Association may be called by the Executive. The purpose of such meeting shall be stated in the call. No other matter shall be discussed at the meeting. Except in cases of emergency, a notice of not fewer than 30 days shall be given.


VI.4. The quorum at any meeting shall consist of twenty members in good standing. When this is not possible, the Executive shall have the authority to determine whether the number of members in good standing present shall constitute a quorum.


Article VII - Amendments


VII.1. The Constitution of the Association, including its By-Laws may be repealed, added to or amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at the Annual General Meeting. Any suggestion(s) to repeal, add, or amend not sent to members before the AGM, must be ratified after the AGM by mail ballot by the membership before becoming part of the Constitution text.


VII.2. Amendments to the Constitution must first be presented to the Executive and then submitted to the membership by regular or electronic mail not fewer than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting.



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