Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that I announce the new President of CAIS, Roberta Iannacito Provenzano. She was the only candidate for the post and is therefore elected by acclamation.
Dr. Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano is Associate Professor of Italian Studies at York University in Toronto and Associate Dean (Faculty Affairs) in the same university.
Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano’s appointment will start with the next Annual General Meeting, which will be held during our annual conference.
Please join me in wishing me Prof. Iannacito-Provenzano an easy and productive term in office, and buon lavoro.
VICE PRESIDENT OF CAIS: As there were no nominations for the post of Vice-President, the Executive of CAIS is exploring the possibility of appointing an interim Vice-President until new elections can be run.
Prof. Cristina Perissinotto
Canadian Association for Italian Studies