Olga Pugliese has recently published three works. The first is an on-line book-length study:
Transcription of the Early Extant Manuscripts of Baldassar Castiglione’s “Il libro del cortegiano," posted on the University of Toronto Library T-space on 30 June 2012. It is 784 pages long and was prepared with the assistance of Lorenzo Bartoli, Filomena Calabrese, Adriana Grimaldi, Ian Martin, Laura Prelipcean, and Antonio Ricci. The web address is:
The other two works are print, and both are articles:
“Unity and Multiplicity: Castiglione’s Views on Architecture in the Cortegiano.”
Mitteilungen des Kunst-historischen Institutes in Florenz, 54. 2 (2010-2012): 257-266.
“Sensorial Language in Machiavelli’s
Il principe” in “
sul fil di ragno della memoria”.
Studi in onore di Ilona Fried, ed. Franciska d’Elhoungne Hervai and Dávid Falvay. Budapest: Eötvös Loránd University and Ponte Foundation, 2012, pp. 81-92.