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  • 08 Oct 2014 6:34 PM | Anonymous
    Dr. Erika Papagni ha vinto il prestigioso "Premio Alessandro Tassoni" Tesi di Laurea 2014 per la sua tesi dal titolo “L’antipetrarchismo nell’opera di Alessandro Tassoni”, discussa all’università di Toronto il primo novembre 2013.

    Il premio e' stato conferito durante la cerimonia di premiazione tenutasi al Teatro San Carlo di Modena il 14 giugno 2014.
  • 25 Jun 2014 6:31 PM | Anonymous
    From Prof. Mary Watt:

    The Senator invited me, along with several other professors from Florida universities to attend the reception that followed the passing of the resolution.

    While we are not yet certain what this will mean for Italian studies in the state, it was a good opportunity to meet the Italian consul as well as other dignitaries and speak to them about our challenges, achievements and ongoing needs.

    The presence of an “Italian caucus” in Florida is a promising sign, one that signals a willingness on the part of Italian American politicians to advocate for Italian culture. It would be great to have such allies in Canada!


  • 05 Jun 2014 6:30 PM | Anonymous

    Prof. Salvatore Bancheri has been awarded the 2014 American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI) Distinguished Service Award. Salvatore will be honored at the annual meeting of the AATI in San Antonio, TX, on Friday, 21 November 2014. As stated in the AATI webpage, "The purpose of the Award is to recognize and further encourage the achievements and contributions of the members of the AATI for distinguished teaching and or published research in the fields of Italian language, literature, and civilization [...]".  See

    Prof. Salvatore Bancheri has been awarded the 2014 American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI) Distinguished Service Award. Salvatore will be honored at the annual meeting of the AATI in San Antonio, TX, on Friday, 21 November 2014. As stated in the AATI webpage , "The purpose of the Award is to recognize and further encourage the achievements and contributions of the members of the AATI for distinguished teaching and or published research in the fields of Italian language, literature, and civilization [...]" . See<
    Prof. Salvatore Bancheri has been awarded the 2014 American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI) Distinguished Service Award. Salvatore will be honored at the annual meeting of the AATI in San Antonio, TX, on Friday, 21 November 2014. As stated in the AATI webpage , "The purpose of the Award is to recognize and further encourage the achievements and contributions of the members of the AATI for distinguished teaching and or published research in the fields of Italian language, literature, and civilization [...]" . See<
  • 03 Dec 2013 6:28 PM | Anonymous

    Dr. Sarah Rolfe Prodan ha vinto il prestigioso "Aldo Scaglione Manuscript Prize" indetto dalla Modern Languages Association of America per il suo libro "Michelangelo's Christian Mysticism: Spirituality, Poetry and Art in Sixteenth-Century Italy" (Cambridge University Press).

    Scaglione Prize 2013.pdf

  • 22 Nov 2013 6:27 PM | Anonymous

    Dr. Patrizia Bettella received the 2013 Jan Chalk Award for her contribution to the Italian Program and the Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies at the University of Alberta.

  • 18 Nov 2013 6:25 PM | Anonymous

    Dr. David C. Bellusci, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Dominican University College in Ottawa, has published his book Amor Dei in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries (Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi Press).  The section on the Italian humanist, Gasparo Contarini, is covered in Chapter 3.

  • 16 May 2013 6:23 PM | Anonymous

    Roberta Cauchi Santoro has successfully defended her dissertation entitled “Beyond the Suffering of Being: Desire in Giacomo Leopardi and Samuel Beckett.” She will be awarded with the degree PhD in Comparative Literature at the June 2013 Convocation ceremony at the University of Western Ontario. On July 1st 2013 Roberta will start a postdoctoral fellowship within the University of Guelph's European Studies Program.

    In her dissertation, Roberta questions critical approaches that argue for Giacomo Leopardi’s and Samuel Beckett’s pessimism and nihilism. Beckett quotes Leopardi when discussing the removal of desire in his monograph Proust, a context that has spurred pessimist and nihilist readings. She argues that the inappropriateness of these labels is, on the contrary, specifically exposed through the role of desire in the two thinkers. Looking at Leopardi’s later poetry in the ciclo d’Aspasia, including the last poem “La Ginestra, o il fiore del deserto,” and examining Beckett’s  plays Endgame and Happy Days, she argues that desire in Leopardi and Beckett could be read as lying at the cusp between Jacques Lacan’s and Emmanuel Levinas’ theories, a desire that both splits the subject (and is thus based on lack) as much as it moulds the subject when called to address the Other (inspiring what Levinas terms ‘infinity’ as opposed to ‘totality,’ an infinity pitted against the nothingness crucial to pessimist and nihilist readings).

  • 30 Apr 2013 6:22 PM | Anonymous
    Violetta Sutton (Topoleva) has completed all of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Italian Studies at the University of Toronto. In March she successfully defended her dissertation Society, Language, and Carnival in the Comedies of Ludovico Ariosto and will be awarded with the degree at the convocation ceremony, on June 5, 2013.

    For her doctoral dissertation, she examined Ariosto’s comedies focusing not only on their structure, content, language and their reception and influences throughout the centuries, but also on social-historic context in which Ariosto’s comedies were composed, staged, and printed. While applying the theory of carnival in the comprehensive analysis of Ariosto’s comedies, she outlined Ariosto’s innovations made in his comedies. She plans to examine Ariosto’s comedies furthermore and eventually publish her research.
  • 11 Mar 2013 6:21 PM | Anonymous
    Professor Konrad Eisenbichler’s book The Sword and the Pen: Women, Politics and Poetry in Sixteenth-Century Siena is one of the finalists in the ForeWord 2012 Book of the Year Award. ForeWord Reviews, a quarterly print journal dedicated to reviewing independently published books, was established in 1998 to provide booksellers, librarians, agents, and publishing professionals with reviews of the best titles from small, alternative, and academic presses. This year’s finalists were selected from more than 1300 titles submitted for the awards. The winners in the various categories will be announced on 28 June at the American Library Association annual conference in Chicago.
  • 13 Feb 2013 6:20 PM | Anonymous
    Teresa G. Russo edited Recognition and Modes of Knowledge: Anagnorisis from Antiquity to Contemporary Theory (2013) with University Alberta Press. The volume focuses on Aristotle's theory of Anagnorisis, or recognition, and traces the theory through various historical periods and disciplines. To date, no one has attempted a comprehensive discussion of recognition across disciplines, places, and historical periods. Recognition and Modes of Knowledge is the culmination of an interdisciplinary conference on recognition with contributions from international authorities including Rachel Adelman, Piero Boitani, Harry Fox (leBeit Yoreh), Rhiannon Graybill, Roland Le Huenen, Rosa Mucignat, Joseph Ring, Teresa G. Russo, Jenna Sunkenberg, Christina Tarnopolsky, Kevin Frederick Vaughan, Jeffrey Neil Weiner, and Naomi A. Weiss.

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