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  • 07 May 2019 5:27 AM | Antonella Valoroso

    La Fondazione Ranieri di Sorbello bandisce una Pubblica selezione per la II edizione della borsa di studio intitolata a Marilena de Vecchi destinata a un progetto di ricerca inerente I viaggiatori stranieri nell’Italia Centrale (Umbria, Marche, Toscana).
    Tutte le informazioni necessarie per partecipare sono disponibili al seguente link:

  • 26 Feb 2019 7:40 PM | Joseph Pivato

    Joseph Pivato co-edited this new book in Comparative Literature with Giulia De Gasperi.

    The title suggests new directions for the academic study of literatures with a focus on the

    use of several languages. Some chapters deal with Italian-Canadian authors such as Mary

    di Michele, F.G. Paci, Genni Gunn, Antonio D'Alfonso, Caterina Edwards, Gianna Patriarca,

    Dore Michelutt and several others. The contributors include Linda Hutcheon, Deborah Saidero,

    Maria Cristina Seccia, Anna Pia De Luca, Gaetano Rando, George Elliott Clarke and Pivato.

    Comparative Literature for the New Century is published by McGill-Queen's U.P., 2018.

    Pivato, a member of CAIS since 1975, has published 10 other books with Guernica Editions

    on Italian-Canadian writers.

  • 06 Jul 2017 4:57 PM | Maria Predelli

    “Meglio un morto in casa che un pisano all’uscio”. Questo detto, vivissimo ancora a Lucca e a Firenze, rammenta le ostilità che contrapposero a lungo i Comuni di Lucca, Pisa e Firenze nel Medioevo. Un episodio di questa lunga faida è la guerra che oppose Firenze e Pisa fra il 1362 e il 1364, conclusa con la Battaglia di Cascina, e raccontata da numerose cronache contemporanee. Una di queste è la narrazione in ottava rima, distribuita in sette canti, del fiorentino Antonio Pucci. Composti nel 1367, i Cantari della Guerra di Pisa sono probabilmente il primo esempio di storia contemporanea cantata nelle forme del poema epico, conferendo così agli eventi la stessa fisionomia esaltante delle chansons de geste.

                Disponibile finora solo nell’edizione settecentesca di Ildefonso di San Luigi, i Cantari della Guerra di Pisa sono ora proposti in una nuova edizione a cura di Maria Bendinelli Predelli, basata sul manoscritto Kirkup (BNCF Nuovi Acquisti 333), che è riconosciuto dagli studiosi del Pucci come fondamentale per l’edizione delle sue opere.

    Antonio Pucci,  I Cantari della Guerra di Pisa, a cura di Maria Bendinelli Predelli, Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2017.

  • 17 May 2017 2:23 PM | Francesco Loriggio

    Cari colleghi,

    Mi permetto di segnalarvi la pubblicazione di A filo doppio. Un'antologia di scritture calabro-canadesi. Il libro, curato da me e da Vito Teti dell'Università della Calabria, è apparso in Italia presso Donzelli Editore questo aprile (2017). La copertina e la scheda che l'accompagna sonoaccessibili al seguente link:

    Grazie, e buona lettura,

    Francesco Loriggio

    Carleton University

    Ottawa, Ontario

  • 04 Apr 2017 5:57 AM | Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano (Administrator)

    The Mariano A. Elia Chair in Italian-Canadian Studies with the Italian Studies Program of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, York University, the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario and the Culinaria Research Centre, University of Toronto, Scarborough are pleased to announce a forthcoming conference on the worldwide dissemination of Italian foodways. Presentations are invited from anyone interested in the connection between Italian cuisine(s) both at home and abroad and the development of Italian or Italian-Canadian ethnic identity.  Any aspect of Italian foodways will be considered including, but not limited to, consuming and marketing of Italian food stuffs; growing, preparing, exporting and importing them; and similar topics. All practical and scholarly disciplines are welcome including, for example, not only historians, sociologists, anthropologists, linguists but also those with an active interest in food production, preparation, and marketing, to name only a few possibilities.

    The important observation that “we are what we eat” (Gabaccia 1998) has profound implications for cultural identity not only for countries of immigration, where diverse foodways come into contact, but also for those from where the exported foodways originate. As is well known, Italians formed the largest European emigrant group of the 19th and 20th centuries and, as they dispersed globally, they carried their cuisine(s) with them. Of course, these were culinary ‘traditions’ which themselves had changed significantly over time and in particular through the period of the Columbian Exchange which long preceded the formation of the modern Italian nation state.

    In their global dispersal, both before and after unification, Italians may have carried with them only a memory of a cuisine but, wherever they settled, enclaves or so-called colonie or Little Italies were established and efforts to recreate the memory began. That re-creation, however, always happened in the presence of other cultures and other foodstuffs. At the same time, the culture(s) of origin were far from static with regard to so-called ‘traditional’ cuisine(s).

    The conference will take place from Thursday 19 to Sunday 22 October, 2017 at York University in Toronto, Canada with some of the proceedings taking place at the University of Toronto, Scarborough and elsewhere. Presenters are invited to submit a brief proposal describing their contribution. A full-text version of the proposal will be required for dissemination two weeks before the conference date and funding is currently being sought to finance the publication of a volume (for which papers will be peer reviewed) derived from the proceedings. Limited funding may be available to cover some travel costs incurred by presenters attending the conference. 

    Please send an abstract (maximum 250 words) to the organizers Professor Gabriele Scardellato ( and Professor Roberta Iannacito-Provenzano ( by Monday 3 July 2017.  Please include full name and institutional affiliation (if applicable) along with contact information.

  • 26 Mar 2017 10:32 PM | Franco Pierno

    The Runaway Word.

    Languages and Religious Exile in the Renaissance

    LE STUDIUM International Conference (Tours, CESR, 6 - 8 November 2017)


    Conference organizers

    Chiara Lastraioli (Université de Tours/CESR) and Franco Pierno (University of Toronto)


    Confirmed Keynote Speakers

    Elvezio Canonica (Université de Bordeaux)

    Andreas Dufter (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

    Geneviève Gross (Institut d’Histoire de la Réformation- Université de Genève)

    Frank Lestringant (Université Paris-Sorbonne)

    Federico Zuliani (The Warburg Institute- University of London)


    Call for Papers

    The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars who work on texts published in Geneva during Calvin’s lifetime and until the end of the 16th century. The debate will focus on stylistic, rhetorical, and linguistic issues in this editorial production determined by Calvinist thought and theology. The conference will also take into account the political as well as social contexts in which these texts were conceived and produced, such as the censorial system put in place by Calvin himself or by the administrative bodies set up on his authority, the editorial market, and the circulation of books in a reformed milieu. In addition, the conference will address the influence exerted by the “polyglossie du refuge” on the works printed during this period. The organizers are also interested in papers focusing on the relationship between texts and the Reformation in the same time period in others lands of religious exile: Alemannic Switzerland (especially Basel), Grisons (included some Protestant valleys of Northern Italy), England, not forgetting France (especially Lyon).


    The conference, organized by the CESR (Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance), is financially supported by LE STUDIUM, and is part of the research activities led by the team EDITEF Project (Édition italienne dans l’espace francophone à la première modernité).


    Given the very specific topic, the organizers envision this to be a conference with a limited number of participants.

    Selected speakers will be entirely reimbursed by LE STUDIUM (transportation to and from Tours, stay in Tours, and meals).


    Working languages of the conference will be French and English.


    Submissions should consist of an abstract of up to 300 words, and a short CV. They are to be sent to and by April 23, 2017.


    La parole en fuite.

    Langues et exile religionis causa à la Renaissance

    Colloque international LE STUDIUM (Tours, CESR, 6-8 novembre 2017)



    Comité organisateur du colloque

    Chiara Lastraioli (Université de Tours/CESR) et Franco Pierno (University of Toronto)


    Liste des conférenciers confirmés

    Elvezio Canonica (Université de Bordeaux)

    Andreas Dufter (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)

    Geneviève Gross (Institut d’Histoire de la Réformation- Université de Genève)

    Frank Lestringant (Université Paris-Sorbonne)

    Federico Zuliani (The Warburg Institute- University of London)


    Descriptif du colloque et appel à communication

    L’objectif de ce colloque est de rassembler des interventions concernant les textes publiés à Genève à l’époque de Calvin jusqu’à la fin du 16e siècle. Il s’agit avant tout d’évaluer les répercussions stylistiques, rhétoriques et linguistiques que l’influence de la pensée et de la théologie calvinistes avait déterminées dans cette production. Ces analyses prendront aussi en ligne de compte les contextes politiques et sociaux dans lesquels ces textes ont été conçus et réalisés : la censure mise en place par Calvin (et par les organismes administratifs émanant de son autorité), le marché et la diffusion du livre dans un contexte réformé. De même, une attention particulière sera consacrée à l’influence d’une « polyglossie du refuge » sur les ouvrages imprimés à cette période.

    Dans le même sillage méthodologique, les organisateurs sont également intéressés à des  communications ayant pour sujet le rapport entre les textes et la Réforme à la Renaissance dans d’autres territoires de l’exile religionis causa : la Suisse alémanique (notamment Bâle), les Grisons (qui comprennent aussi certaines vallées protestantes de l’Italie septentrionale), l’Angleterre, sans oublier la France et notamment Lyon.

    Ce colloque, financé par l’agence régionale Le Studium, est une initiative émanant du Centre d’Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance de Tours et s’inscrit dans les recherches conduites par l’équipe du projet EDITEF (Édition italienne dans l’espace francophone à la première modernité).


    Étant donné la spécificité du sujet traité, on envisage d’organiser un colloque avec un nombre restreint de participants. Les frais des participants dont les propositions seront sélectionnées seront entièrement remboursés/financés par LE STUDIUM (voyage, séjour à Tours et repas).

    Les langues du colloque seront le français et l’anglais.

    Les personnes intéressées sont priées d’envoyer leur proposition (maximum 300 mots) et une biographie courte à et avant le 23 avril 2017.


  • 17 Jan 2017 1:51 AM | Ryan Calabretta-Sajder
    CALL For Papers AATI International Conference Abroad Università degli Studi di Palermo 28 giugno – 2 luglio 2017 L’AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian) comunica che il prossimo convegno internazionale si terrà nella città di Palermo, 28 giugno-2 luglio 2017, presso l’Università degli Studi di Palermo, con il seguente programma di massima: 28 giugno: (mattina) giorno ufficiale di arrivo; workshops/visite guidate; 28 giugno (pomeriggio-sera) registrazione; inaugurazione e saluti delle autorità; sessione plenaria; concerto; ricevimento 29 giugno – 1 luglio: lavori 1 luglio: sessioni plenarie (pomeriggio) 1 luglio: cena sociale 2 luglio: gite nei dintorni di Palermo 3 luglio: giorno ufficiale di partenza Il convegno rappresenterà un altro straordinario momento d’incontro grazie all’importanza del luogo in cui si svolgeranno i lavori. Palermo, la sua regione e la Sicilia in generale sono luoghi fondamentali per l’intersezione e lo studio di storia, lingua, politica, letteratura, arte, filosofia e cultura in generale. Il tema del convegno è aperto, ma l’AATI incoraggia i colleghi a pensare in termini più specifici e pertinenti sia al luogo d’attuazione del convegno—Palermo e la Sicilia—sia agli avvenimenti legati alla contemporaneità italiana o a figure che sono venuti a mancare da poco (per es. Dario Fo ed Umberto Eco). Accanto a temi vari di pedagogia, cultura, letteratura, cinema, teatro, italiano come L2, la lingua italiana all’estero, identità italiana nel mondo, storia, economia, arte, opera, ecc., si suggeriscono anche altri temi più “locali” o dettati da eventi: Luigi Pirandello a 150 anni dalla nascita La stagione verista: Verga, De Roberto, Capuana La Sicilia nella letteratura contemporanea Scrittrici di Sicilia La Sicilia nel cinema, ieri e oggi Lingua e invenzione narrativa in Andrea Camilleri La cultura popolare siciliana tra permanenza e scomparsa La poesia dialettale siciliana, da Giovanni Meli e Domenico Tempio ai nostri giorni Correnti di lingua e cultura nel Mediterraneo Proposte: La scadenza per inviare le proposte, sia per interventi individuali sia per le sessioni, è il 15 febbraio 2017. Le presentazioni possono essere in italiano o in inglese e non devono superare i 20 minuti. I colleghi sono inoltre invitati ad organizzare sessioni e tavole rotonde di 75 minuti ciascuna. I relatori potranno presentare solo un intervento, ma potranno presiedere più di una sessione e presentare i loro interventi in diverse tavole rotonde. Le proposte di sessioni / tavole rotonde devono essere inviate entro il 15 febbraio 2017, tramite il seguente link: | | upload password: palermo2017 Al convegno potranno partecipare i relatori, gli organizzatori e presidenti delle sessioni e partecipanti alle tavole rotonde che siano regolarmente iscritti all’associazione AATI e che abbiano versato la quota d’ iscrizione al convegno entro il 15 marzo 2017. Gli interventi dovranno essere presentati di persona; non sono consentiti interventi via Skype o altre tecnologie. Iscrizione al convegno: Le quote di iscrizione per 2017 saranno le seguenti: soci regolari: $125.00; soci emeriti e soci senza un lavoro full-time: $75.00; studenti di PhD/dottorato di ricerca: $45.00. Workshops: saranno annunciati inseguito nella nostra pagina web. Alberghi, trasporti, ecc. Ulteriori informazioni riguardanti alberghi, trasporti, ecc. saranno comunicate tramite il listserv dell’AATI e verranno pubblicate nel nostro sito. Pubblicazione degli Atti del Convegno: Dopo il convegno, tutti i relatori sono invitati a sottoporre per pubblicazione il loro intervento nella rivista digitale AATI Online Working Papers. Le proposte saranno valutate da un comitato scientifico (si veda CALL For Papers AATI International Conference Abroad L’Università degli Studi Palermo June 28-July 2, 2017 The AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian) announces its next International Conference to take place in Palermo from June 28-July 2, 2017 hosted by the Università degli Studi di Palermo. The general program outline is as follows: June 28: Official day of arrival; pre-conference workshops (morning); guided tours in/around Palermo (morning); June 28 (afternoon/evening) Pre-registration; plenary session; welcome reception; concert June 29-July 1: Conference June 1: Plenary sessions (afternoon) July 1 (evening): Gala Dinner July 2: Tours around Palermo July 3: Official day of departure This conference promises to be another exciting international meeting, given, its location. Palermo is a vivacious and fascinating city, where art, history, music, politics and music. Additionally, the area around Palermo and the region of Sicily at large have been places of cultural, geographical and historical intersection throughout the centuries. The conference is open to all topics, but the AATI invites colleagues to think in particular about issues that relate to the current state of and events taking place in Italy today. Along with general themes such as pedagogy, linguistics, culture, literature, cinema, theater, Italian as a second language, Italian language and culture abroad, migration and Italian identities in the world, history, media, economy, the arts, etc., we also suggest a focus on more “local” topics that have Palermo and its region as well as Sicily at their core. Some examples might be: Pirandello and the 150th anniversary of his birth Verismo: Verga, Capuana, De Robertis Sicily in Contemporary Literature Sicilian Female Writers Sicilian Cinema: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow Narrative Innovations and Language in Andrea Camilleri Sicilian Folk Culture: From ‘Common’ to the ‘Disappearance’ Sicilian Dialect Poetry: From Giovanni Meli and Domenico Tempio to Today Mediterranean Studies: From Language and Culture to History and Religion Proposals: The deadline for proposal submissions (individual papers and whole sessions) is February 15, 2017. Papers can be in Italian or in English and will be limited to 20 minutes, maximum. Colleagues are cordially invited to submit proposals for entire sessions and roundtables of 75 minutes each. Participants are allowed to present one paper only, but they can chair more than one session and they can partake in one or more roundtable discussions. Completed Sessions /Completed roundtables / Single papers proposals MUST be submitted by February 15, 2017 using the following link:: | | upload password: palermo2017 COMPLETED Session/roundtable with all relevant information MUST be submitted by February 15, 2017 using the following link: | | upload password: palermo2017 All conference participants (panelists, session and roundtable organizers, and chairs) must be AATI members in good standing and must have paid the registration fees by March 15, 2017. Papers must be presented in person; no presentations via Skype or similar technologies will be allowed. Registration Fees: Registration fees for 2017 will be as follows: Regular members: $125.00; Retired/emeriti or members without a full-time position: $75.00; PhD students: $45.00. Workshops: information regarding pre-conference workshops will be advertised through the AATI listserv and the Conference website. Lodging and Transportation: Further information about hotels, transportation, etc. will be announced shortly through the AATI listserv and the AATI website. Publication of Proceedings: Following the conference, all presenters will be eligible to submit their papers for blind peer review consideration for the AATI Online Working Papers publication (see menu "Online Working Papers").
  • 09 Aug 2016 2:46 PM | Lucilla Bonavita

    Cari tutti,

    I'm delighted to announce the publication of the following book:

    LUCILLA BONAVITA, Luigi Pirandello and Orazio Costa: The Unpublished Works of Archivio Costa in the Experience of Piccolo Teatro di Roma (1948-1954), Roma, Edicampus, 2016.

    The book, in addition to offering a contribution to the studies about Pirandello, proposes a reading of the "stage fact" through a documentary and philological route constituted of unpublished material that winds within the notebooks jealously guarded by the Master since 1938 until his death, and now preserved in the Costa Archive in Florence. Founder of Piccolo Teatro di Roma (1948-1954), Orazio Costa brings to the stage the plays written by Pirandello during that time: through a transcoding process of the literary texts of Six Characters in Search of an Author and Right You Are (If You Think So), we are witnessing a new dramatic writing that, while remaining philologically faithful to Pirandello's text, increases its poetic potential.

    Dott.ssa Lucilla Bonavita,

    PhD in Italian Studies 

    at the Universities of Rome "Tor Vergata"-Toronto, Warsaw.

    For more information visit the following url:


  • 14 Feb 2016 5:21 PM | Anonymous


    “On the Eve of the Reformation: The View from Then and Now”

    An interdisciplinary conference

    at Victoria College in the University of Toronto

    21-22 October 2016

    sponsored by

    The Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium

    Deadline to submit proposals: Thursday, 31 March 2016

    As we prepare to commemorate the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s  posting of his 95 theses in October 1517, it may be useful to pause for a moment and consider two important questions: first, how were the historical and cultural events of the late fifteenth and very early sixteenth century defining the European world that would soon break apart along sectarian lines, and, second, how did writers, thinkers, and artists later in the century look back at that earlier world and culture. The years immediately preceding 1517 were  richly marked by events/works that were to have a lasting impact on their times. In 1516, for example, the fifteen-year-old Charles von Habsburg was crowned king of Spain, Thomas More published his Utopia, Erasmus his Novum Testamentum and Ariosto his Orlando furioso, and the Venetians established the Ghetto. The previous year, 1515,  the twenty-year-old Francis I was crowned king of France, Thomas Wolsey was named cardinal and then Chancellor of England, Martin Luther began to lecture on Paul’s Letter to the Romans, Johannes Reuchlin established the first university chair of Greek in Germany, while across the ocean the Spaniard Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar founded the city of Havana. How did people later in the sixteenth century and early in the next see these events? How, for example, did Shakespeare see and depict pre-Reformation England in some of his historical plays? How did Montaigne, or Cervantes, or Caravaggio, or Monteverdi see the world before the Reformation?

    This interdisciplinary conference seeks, therefore, to take the pulse of European history and culture in two different ways: from our perspective as early twenty-first-century scholars and from the perspective of late-sixteenth/early-seventeenth-century writers and artists. In so doing, the conferences seeks to cast its eyes on  both the Old World and the New,  Europe as well as in its African and Asian extensions, history as well as the arts, society as well as events.

    Proposals for papers to be presented at the conference should include:

    the name of the speaker; the speaker’s academic affiliation (or “independent scholar”, as applicable); the title of the presentation; a 150 words abstract; full contact information for the speaker (name, address, telephone, email); the speaker’s one-page CV. In the case of complete session proposals, this information is to be repeated for each presenter.

    Proposals should be emailed to both conference organizers:
                Prof. Elizabeth Cohen at           
                Prof. Konrad Eisenbichler at    

    Deadline for submission: Thursday, 31 March 2016.

    For further information, please contact either one of the conference organizers.

    For further information on the Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium, visit its web site at:

  • 25 Jan 2016 8:28 PM | Ryan Calabretta-Sajder


    Session/Roundtable proposals with calls for abstracts: February 20, 2016.

    Individual paper proposals: February 20, 2016.

    Completed Sessions and Roundtables with all relevant information, as per guidelines (attached): March 1, 2016.


    CALL For Papers

    AATI International Conference Abroad

    L’Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale


    L’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

    June 22-27, 2016

    The AATI (American Association of Teachers of Italian) announces its next International Conference to take place in Naples from June 22-27, 2016 hosted by the Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale  and the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.  The general program outline is as follows:

    • v June 22: official day of arrival; pre-conference workshops (morning); guided tours in/around Naples (morning); pre-registration, plenary session(s) guided tours in/around Naples; welcome reception; concert;
    • v June 23-25: conference
    • v June 25: plenary sessions (afternoon)
    • v June 25 (evening): Gala Dinner
    • v June 26: tours around Naples and Campania
    • v June 27: official day of departure

    This conference promises to be another vibrant international meeting, given, first and foremost, its location. Naples is a unique city, one where historical, cultural, and political events have taken root, unraveled, and entwined in original ways across the centuries.

    The conference is open to all themes, but the AATI also invites colleagues to think in particular in terms of those more pertinent to some of the current events in Italy. Along with general topics such as pedagogy, linguistics, culture, literature, cinema, theater, Italian as a second language, Italian language abroad, Italian identities in the world, history, media, economy, the arts, etc., we also suggest a focus on more “local” topics that have Naples and the Campania region at their core. Some examples might be:

    • o   Italian language abroad (the teaching, diffusion, and politics of);
    • o   Italian culture and identity around the world;
    • o   Linguistic globalization: The relationship between “strong” and “weak” languages;
    • o   The new “Southern Question”;
    • o    Italian immigration today vs. Italian emigration of yesteryear;
    • o   Migrants writers in Italy: a new canon of Italian literature?;
    • o   The Neapolitan Enlightenment: from philosophical thought to political economy;
    • o   Giambattista Vico and his influence in and outside of Italy;
    • o   Naples and Classical Greece;
    • o   From San Gennaro to nativity scenes: religious practices and their influence in Italy and abroad;
    • o   Neapolitan dialect literature and its diffusion in Italy and abroad;
    • o   The new southern novel: from mystery to denunciation;
    • o   Neapolitan theater; 
    • o   Totò and the Neapolitan comic tradition;
    • o   Naples and contemporary Italian cinema;
    • o   Neapolitan Song and Dance: History and Influence.

    Proposals: The deadline for proposal submissions (individual papers and whole sessions) is February 20, 2016. Papers can be in Italian or in English and will be limited to 20 minutes, maximum. Colleagues are cordially invited to submit proposals for entire sessions and roundtables of 75 minutes each.  Participants are allowed to present one paper only, but they can chair more than one session and they can partake in one or more roundtable discussions.

    Session/roundtable/single papers proposals MUST be submitted by February 20, 2016 using the following link:: | | upload password: napoli2016

    COMPLETED Session/roundtable with all relevant information MUST be submitted by March 1, 2016 using the following link: | | upload password: napoli2016


    All conference participants (panelists, session and roundtable organizers, and chairs) must be AATI members in good standing and must have paid the registration fees by March 15, 2016.

    Papers must be presented in person; no presentations via Skype or similar technologies will be allowed. 

    Registration Fees: Registration fees for 2016 will be as follows: Regular members: $125.00; Retired/emeriti or members without a full-time position: $75.00; PhD students: $45.00.

    Workshops:pre-opening workshops will be on June 22. For the list of workshops, see (menu “Workshops”).

    Lodging and Transportation: Further information about hotels, transportation, etc. will be announced shortly through the AATI listserv and the AATI website:

    Publication of Proceedings:Following the conference, all presenters will be eligible to submit their papers for blind peer review consideration for the AATI Online Working Papers publication (see menu "Online Working Papers").

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